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  • Wednesday, April 20, 2016 2:00 PM | Barrie Braiden (Administrator)

    VPAN wishes to acknowledge with thanks the support of Newmarket Celebrates the Arts. We received two grants from Newmarket Celebrates the Arts this last year: one for the Martin Beaver concert on May 3, 2015, and one for our Young Artists’ Showcase on February 14, 2016.

    Have you ever looked at VPAN's website? In the past, you may have been disappointed if you have, but not any longer. Our website has been updated and upgraded with more information and up-to-date notices.

    We invite you to visit it at www.vpan.ca

  • Sunday, March 06, 2016 5:00 PM | Barrie Braiden (Administrator)

    March 6, 2016: It was a delight to have renowned clarinetist James Campbell to perform at the Newmarket Theatre, with the Afiara String Quartet and with his son, guitarist/composer Graham Campbell - such spirited chamber pieces and selections, richly infused with the sound of jazz.

    Photos, courtesy of Greg King Photography.

    The Afiara Quartet

    ... with James Campbell

    ... with Graham Campbell

    ...with James Campbell

    The Campbell / Afiara Quartet

  • Wednesday, February 17, 2016 12:00 PM | Barrie Braiden (Administrator)

    Please enjoy these wonderful photographs, captured by Greg King Photography, of our 2016 Young Artist's Showcase performers on Sunday February 14, 2016:

    Jasmine Doucette-Gaylor, Dancer


    Harrison Jarvis, Pianist


    Karine White, Soprano


    Bella Nove, Vocal Group


  • Monday, January 18, 2016 8:20 AM | John Lemme (Administrator)

    Fung-Chiu Duo will present a master class following the concert on May 1, 2016 from 5:30-7:30 at Newmarket Theatre.  This event is presented in partnership with the Ontario Registered Music Teachers Association, Newmarket and Area Branch.  Details to follow shortly.

  • Tuesday, January 12, 2016 3:26 PM | John Lemme (Administrator)

    VPAN was honoured to be nominated for the York Region Character Community Awards in 2015 in the Character Through the Arts Category. 

    VPAN President Linda Condy accepted the nomination plaque with fellow nominees Anna Sousa, Dale Matsushige, The Love Project, Ron Robbins and the York Regional Police Youth Band.

  • Tuesday, October 27, 2015 6:37 AM | John Lemme (Administrator)


    VPAN would welcome corporate sponsors. We are a registered charity and issue tax receipts for donations. We urge YOU to support performances of live classical music in Newmarket in one of the following ways:

    • For a donation of $5000 a concert will be sponsored by that donor and that donor will be mentioned in all advertisements and in the program, plus other donor benefits*
    • For a donation of $4000 the Young Artists' Showcase will be sponsored by that donor, and that donor will be mentioned in all advertisements and in the program, plus other donor benefits*
    • For a donation of $500-$1000 the donor is listed in the program as a Benefactor
    • For a donation of $250-$499 the donor is listed in the program as a Patron
    • For a donation of $100-$249 the donor is listed in the program as a Supporter
    • For a donation of $10-$99 the donor is listed in the program as a Friend
    • Consider covering some or all of the cost of printing the concert program and/or brochures

    Other Donor Benefits*

    Company promotion in the Theatre lobby.
    Advertisement in our "Three for the Show" brochures.
    Complimentary tickets to concert performances.

  • Friday, September 11, 2015 9:33 AM | John Lemme (Administrator)

    VPAN has an Artists Selection Committee which meets in the Fall and considers possible artists for the following year. We try to choose a variety of vocalists, instrumentalists, and choirs of high quality.

  • Wednesday, March 11, 2015 7:36 AM | John Lemme (Administrator)

    Young Artists' Showcase 2016

    Our Young Artists' Showcase will be at Newmarket Theatre on February 14, 2016!  This year's headliners included:

    Jasmine Doucette- Gaylor, Dancer

    A recent graduate of the Regional Arts Dance Program at Huron Heights, Jasmine Doucette is passionate about dance; of all the dance genres, ballet is her favourite.

    Harrison Jarvis, Pianist

    Pianist Harrison Jarvis has an impressive background for one so young. He has performed solo, with chamber groups, and with orchestras in well-known venues in both Canada and the U.S.

    Karine White, Vocalist

    Soprano Karine White is an active and versatile artist who performs and teaches voice, dance and drama. She especially loves opera, and has many opera roles to her credit.

    Bella Nove, Choral Group

    Bella Nove, translated to "Beautiful Nine" is a select group of young women formed from the private teaching studio of their director, Jennifer Neveu.  They are an award winning ensemble who enjoy performing at various events throughout the Durham and York Regions as well as Music Festivals, at the local, provincial and national levels.  They are proud to be multiple Silver and Gold Medal Winners at Music Fest Canada.

    Bella Nove is  accompanied by the incomparable, Carol Gibson.

     More Details

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